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How Can You Prepare for IBPS RRB and PO Exams 2022? 

IBPS stands for Institute of banking personnel section. IBPS is an independent and autonomous body that conducts exams to select officers for public sector banks. The RRB or regional rural bank examinations are annually conducted. The preparation for this exam is exhaustive and comprehensive at the same time.

The number of candidates appearing for this exam is usually high, hence the level of difficulty rises considerably. With time, every year, numerous aspirants fill out the exam application, however, are unable to get through the examination due to its nature. In this article, we shall discuss the exam pattern and strategies for clearing the IBPS RRB exam. 

What is the Syllabus for IBPS PO exams 2022? 

For the selection of probationary officers, an independent and autonomous body i.e IBPS ( Institute of banking personnel section ) holds an online examination. This examination is conducted every year.  IBPS PO 2022 exam has been classified into three stages. They are:

  • Preliminary ( online ) 
  • Mains ( descriptive + offline ) 
  • Interview 

If a candidate clears all the stages, he or she shall become a probationary officer. Using Byju’s Exam Prep, you can easily understand the concept of different exams that may help you to ace any competitive examination.

Syllabus of IBPS PO exam 2022

The IBPS PO exam 2022 syllabus has been broadly classified into two types. They are:

  • Syllabus for Preliminary exam: The prelims exam comprises three sets. They are, English language, reasoning ability, and quantitative aptitude. The reasoning ability and quantitative set of papers can be answered in two languages i.e Hindi or English. Both sets consist of 35 marks each and 20 minutes is the maximum time allotted for these two sets. However, the English language set consists of 30 questions, each carrying one mark. Hence, the prelims exam of 2022 consists of 100 marks.
  • Syllabus for Mains exam: The main exam comprises five sets. They are: English language, Reasoning and computer aptitude, data analysis and interpretation, and General awareness of banking and economy. The last paper is an essay and writing skills paper.

English: The number of questions is 35 and the maximum marks are 40. 

Data analysis and interpretation: The number of questions is 35 and the maximum marks are 60.

General awareness about Banking and the Economy: The number of questions is 35 and the maximum mark is 40.

Reasoning and computer aptitude: The number of questions is 40 and the maximum mark is 60.

What are the Effective Ways to Crack IBPS RRB Exams in the First Attempt?

Now you can clear IBPS RRB Exams with these Pro Tips

  • Understand curriculum and exam pattern: The first step is reading and understanding the syllabus, thorough knowledge of the syllabus and learning the exam pattern will definitely help in knowing the important topics, and having a grip increases the chances of clearing the IBPS RRB exam in the first attempt.
  • Check Previous Years Cut Off:  Try to get a basic idea about the cut-off of recent year’s examination. This will help you know the number of questions one must attempt to crack the IBPS RRB exam. The cut-off of the PO and clerk level will be different.
  • Previous Year Questions: Analyzing the previous years helps in identifying the weightage of marks related to a particular topic. This also clears the mode of the examination, whether the paper is easy, medium, or difficult. Such analysis before four months of exams helps in making a good score in IBPS RRB.
  • Time Management: In prelims, managing time is the deciding factor. Vigorous practice before months helps in completing the exam on time. A proper strategy should be followed while solving the paper for IBPS RRB examination.

Using Byju’s Exam Prep, you can easily understand the concept of different exams that may help you to ace any competitive examination.

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