hot potato meme

I’ve been seeing a lot of memes lately and this is one of them. It’s about hot potatoes. The idea is that if you’re going to eat potatoes, you should probably eat really, really hot ones. The idea is that you should eat a lot of potatoes, and that’s what makes it worthwhile.

It’s not a bad thing, but it doesn’t make it any more fun.

This is one of the dumbest memes Ive seen recently. It is basically saying that if the potatoes are really really hot, then they automatically taste good, and the rest of the meal is just gravy, so it’s not a complete waste of the meal. To top it all off, the video is being shared over the internet, and the main character of the video has already been eaten.

I’ve never used it so much, but I’ve been told it’s best if you keep it to yourself and don’t waste the time of the others.

It’s a joke.

Its not an actual joke. The video was shot in a car park at a McDonalds in Manchester, which is one of the biggest cities in the UK. The potatoes were actually cooked at home, in a pan, and they were actually served in a small bowl that was filled with gravy.

This is something that I myself have been told. I had to stop the video from being played because people would start pointing at me and saying “he ate it”. It was a very creepy, creepy sight. I had to put my hand over my mouth to hide my face.

The video was made by an American guy, who I guess can claim it as a ‘hot potato’, or at least ‘hot potato’ at the UK level. I also had to stop the video from being played because people would start pointing at me and saying he ate it. It was a very creepy, creepy sight. I had to put my hand over my mouth to hide my face.

In his video, the guy is described as being a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, a “Christian” who is now having to eat the video because he couldn’t help himself. I have no idea what the guy is doing on a video playing in public. A Christian guy playing a video in public is probably not a very good idea.

This guy’s name is not really known yet. He is described as “Papa” by the developers, but that’s not really anything that makes a lot of sense. He is described as “an American Christian”, which is like describing a Muslim as an American Christian. Also, you can’t just go around calling people “papa” in the Muslim community.

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